Tag Archives: simple

Resepi Soto Ayam Simple

Resepi Soto Ayam Sabah Simple Uzimonaxa from uzimonaxa.blogspot.com Bahan-bahan: Sup Ayam: – 1 ekor ayam – potong kecil-kecil – 2 liter air – 2 batang serai – memarkan – 4 helai daun jeruk purut – 2 cm lengkuas – memarkan – 4 lembar daun salam – 2 sdm minyak untuk

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Resepi Mee Goreng Simple

7 Resepi Mee Goreng Mamak Sedap (Cara Buat Simple & Mudah) from myresepi.com Introduction Mee goreng is a popular Malaysian dish that is loved by many. It is a simple yet delicious dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This resepi mee goreng simple is perfect for

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